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  • Why people buy expensive Samsung smartphones?

    Samsung, a name that is becoming more and more synonymous with technological products as time goes on. There is not a lot of tech products that has yet to catch the eye of Samsung to be made available for general masses, be it refrigerator, washing machine, power-banks, Chargers, Air-conditioners and last but not the least smartphones. People have become more accustomed to the word Samsung for indicating a technological product and it is not because they are every-where (well they quite figuratively are) but because they give some of the most quality focused product. But the only draw back which is not actually a draw back is their price. Let’s go with smartphones for an example.

    Samsung as compared to its smartphone rivals like Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo, Oppo and OnePlus does not get into budget smartphone competition where you give a sh*t ton of things like a good camera, high end processors, Clean software(mind the word clean like stock in moto) at a lower price but still the best selling smartphone in the world is Samsung A series smartphones which let’s just say have a lot of lack-luster things like slow charging as compared to Realme, slow processor as compared to what Xiaomi has to offer, very lacking cameras as compared to vivo or oppo and a price a bit higher than all of them considering their giving. So, what makes Samsung a good purchase for people?

    Well, the first one is the color calibration. Samsung for its phones that cost more than 15000/- or $200 price it provides an Amoled panel for its display. Amoled is famous because of its ability to function efficiently while giving colors that feel like they are popping from your screen. But if you are a tech geek like me, you may have noticed that as compared to smartphones from other companies Samsung phones have really good colors on their UI skin and that credit goes solely to Samsung for their expertise in refinement. If you were to consider a Xiaomi or Realme smartphone in the same range and compare them to Samsung side by side they will feel a bit lacking to you.

    The second one is Software refinement. If one user of Samsung jumps to other brands available on the market in the same range they will notice subtle differences in scrolling or opening an app, where in Samsung phone it feels smooth and now in others it feels lacking, not in the department of functionalities which can and is much better in other brands like Xiaomi or Realme but in the department of User-feeling. That Smooth opening while you open an app or that springy jump when you reach the end of a scroll makes all the differences to normal users like my father or uncles who do not need performance heavy phones as they are not gamers.

    For the third reason even you will agree with me, which is software. Let me tell you, there are ads which is also present in other Chinese brands but with ads Samsung also gives timely software updates and now it has even increased the lifespan of support for smartphones which we have yet to see from others. Why does that matter? Well let’s just say most people do not like throwing away a $200 thing after using it for 2 years which with lack of support becomes a possible victim for cybercrime. Just think about it, do you throw away your $200 bicycle after 2 years or Dresses or Cook-ware or Air-coolers or refrigerators then why smartphones. Unless you bought it with your daddy’s money, it doesn’t make any sense right. You should use it if you could use it for longer period of time.

    The fourth reason is handiness, which is not exactly specific to Samsung because Realme also makes handy phones which when you hold in your hands, they feel quite comfortable. But combined with all the qualities above I would opt for a Samsung phone unless I am a heavy user.

    All the above qualities are the corners that smartphone companies cut when they make their smartphones more affordable, but Samsung gives it to you and also takes your money, so keep these things in mind the next time you opt for a new smartphone.